Friday, August 29, 2008

KOSE Face Mask

Kose Mask 22pcs RM 40
Kose Barley Whitening Face Mask 22pcs RM 40
  • Barley Extract whitening, and brightening.
  • Suitable for pimples oily skin
  • Vitamin-C for deep whitening and cleaning.

Kose 薏仁白皙美容液面膜22入 RM40

Super亮白精華 - 特殊亮白精華使肌膚掃除黯沉,完全白裡透紅。 萃取 薏仁精華 - 傳統漢方薏仁精華,能有效提升肌膚明亮度,重現晶瑩剔透的膚色,荳荳肌也適用哦! 維生素 C 衍生物-能完全滲入肌膚底層,徹底掃除黯沉達到淨白效果。

Kose Collagen Firming Face Mask 22pcs RM 40
  • Collagen Protein for radiant complexion.
  • Whitening action.
KOSE膠原甦活整肌美容液面膜 22入 RM 40
每個女生都需要膠原蛋白才不會皮膚鬆弛喔! 好評大推薦 Super亮白成份,超群優異美容液面膜 新登場!! 添加海洋性膠原蛋白強化肌膚循環,飽滿緊實。

Kose Moisturizing Hydraulic Acid Face Mask 22pcs RM 40
  • Hydraulic Acid for moisturizing
  • Wrinkles reducing
Kose高保濕玻尿酸美容液面膜 22入 RM 40
最紅最暢銷的玻尿酸喔! 好評大推薦,超群優異美容液面膜 新登場!! 高濃度玻尿酸能潤澤肌膚,解決細紋乾荒。

Kose Firming Q10 Uplifting Face Mask 22pcs RM 40
  • Q10 uplifting and firming skin, to be flawless.
  • Collage protein
  • Moisturizing skin

Kose新彈力Q10超緊實提拉美容液面膜 22入 RM 40

Q10緊緻精華液 -瞬間緊緻拉提 讓肌膚細緻到無懈可擊! 膠原蛋白成份 -迅速提升膠原蛋白增生力,重現原有的彈性與光彩。 100倍保濕分子釘 -修護肌膚後立即補充水份,24H保有水嫩QQ肌。


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Korean ORIKS BB Cream

Koream ORIKS Vitamin-C Whitening BB Cream RM 68
韓國ORIKS 美白BB VITAMIN- C無瑕保養霜 RM 68

12 in 1: Isolation-Concealer-Reduce Wrinkles-Moisturizing-Anti Sensitive-Soothing-Whitening-Reduce Dark Spot-Brightening-Protection

"防曬嫩白"絕對是所有女性最關切的熱門課題!隨著陽光、戶外活動活絡的夏季已經正式到來掀起保養彩妝話題、日韓同步流行的嫩白趨勢「BB CREAM VITA C美白無瑕保養霜」讓所有女性都能以最輕鬆的方式上妝, 快速出門!!解決各種肌膚問題、推薦夏季使用的「BB CREAM VITA C美白無瑕保養霜」能均勻膚色,同時嫩白肌膚萃取天然成分,不僅可以隔絕髒空氣及紫外線的傷害達到嫩白、控油、保濕及護膚效果,且具有防水功能炎炎夏日出遊也不用害怕脫妝喔! 主要成份:維他命C、歐洲甜栗萃取、金車菊萃取、地榆精華、黃龍膽、玻尿酸、維他命E、歐蓍草、甘油
★★一般膚質適用韓國原裝進口容量: 50ml 使用方法: 化妝水.(乳液)後,取適量於指腹輕點塗抹,吸收後再拍上粉餅、蜜粉即可。 製造日期: 因批次不同.日期標示於外盒/內盒/瓶身上保存期限: 36個月

Korean ORIKS Magic Pearl BB Cream RM 68

  • Isolation
  • Concealer
  • Anti-aging
  • Moisturizing
  • Anti-sensitive
  • Soothing
  • Whitening
  • Protection
  • Oil-Control

韓國ORIKS魔法珠光BB霜 RM 68

10 合1, 包含了隔離、遮瑕、除皺、保濕、低敏、舒緩、淨白、明亮、護膚、控油等全功能保養霜。2008 年新的BB CREAM ,珠光BB 能讓你成為全場目光的焦點,擁有明星般的精緻容顏。【擁有一瓶,勝過多瓶,輕鬆上妝,快速出門】

【許多藝人推薦使用的保養裸妝品】ORIKS BB Cream Shining Pearl 能均勻膚色。珍珠光澤能使臉龐變得明亮和自然。取自天然的成份,每次上妝就能每次保養。不但能隔絕髒空氣的傷害,達到控油、保濕及護膚的效果,且具有防水功能,夏天出遊也不怕脫妝喔~

Contains: Hyraulic Acid, Grape Seed Extracts for moisturizing, Tea leaves for anti-aging, Aloe Vera for soothing, Olive Oil for smoothing. Suitable for all skin types.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Majolica Majorca (2008 Latest)

Majolica Majorca Red Shining Mascara RM 49

MAJOLICA_MAJORCA資生堂戀愛魔鏡-尋寶獵豔公主系列艷陽耀眼晶鑽睫毛膏(炙紅) RM 49

Majolica Majorca Shinning Shimer RM55

MAJOLICA_MAJORCA資生堂戀愛魔鏡-尋寶獵豔公主系列立體夏肌修飾光澤蜜粉 RM 55

Majolica Majorca Eyeshadow 4 Color Palette (BR751) RM 52

MAJOLICA_MAJORCA資生堂戀愛魔鏡-夜境幻宴公主魔幻電光四色眼影盒(BR751告白) RM 52

Majolica Majorca Lip Gloss (Peach Color) RM 39

MAJOLICA_MAJORCA資生堂戀愛魔鏡-夜境幻宴公主魔幻之唇魅惑唇彩(BE210流金歲月) RM 39

Majolica Majorca Eyeshadow 4 Color Palette (GR750) RM 52

MAJOLICA_MAJORCA資生堂戀愛魔鏡-夜境幻宴公主魔幻電光四色眼影盒(GR750矚目) RM 52

Majolica Majorca Lip Gloss (Baby Pink Color) RM 39

MAJOLICA_MAJORCA資生堂戀愛魔鏡-夜境幻宴公主魔幻之唇魅惑唇彩(PK211花樣年華) RM 39

Majolica Majorca Mascara - Fluffy Volume Up RM 49

MAJOLICA_MAJORCA資生堂戀愛魔鏡-夜境幻宴公主黑色羽絨濃密睫毛膏RM 49


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How to buy?

Hello babes, as I know mostly you might not understand what is going on around in Just Girl Shop.

So I'm gonna make a little guidance regarding "How to shop in Just Girl Shop?"

Drop in email to ask for availability
There might be 2 possibilities,
1. YES and so you proceed to place order, if you're really interested.
2. no :( If you still really like it, just ask for restockability. Sometimes the item could have been run out of stock and new batch of stock on the way reaching to me.

Place order
At this stage, I assume you have read through the terms and conditions applied. In case you don't, here you go. Always enclose me with your details(name, mobile, address)

Pre Order
In most products which are more expensive (above RM 100) or new products I might not have ready stock. So in this case, you can drop in a pre-order by paying 50% deposit. The stock will be arrive to me in 12 working days. I cannot guarantee it is exactly 12days, due to the stock availability from my supplier. Thank you for your considering and waiting. :)

Make Payment
Maybank/Public Bank transfer directly to my account. Please email me for my bank account number and my name. Inform me once payment has been made. If you make payment directly from the Cash Deposit Machine, keep your receipt, and inform me the bank in time. If you doing it with Maybank2u, I would suggest you to copy/paste to me the status, and details.

Cash On Delivery
This means meet and pay me(cash) on the spot. Only limited areas available for free of charge.
Subang/Sunway, Bukit Jalil, Puchong, Kelana Jaya LRT ( mon, or thurs only)


Monday, August 4, 2008

FANCL Products

FANCL HTC Collagen (Supplements) RM 66
Collagen HTC 900mg
180 capsules for 30days.
Consume 2 capsules after meal.

FANCL HTC 美肌胶原蛋白 RM66
容量: 45g (251mg x 180粒)━约30日分量
建议进食分量: 每日6粒,饭后服
Calorie卡路里(以6粒计): 4.8kcal

FANCL Calorie Limit Control (Supplements) RM 65
Absorb excessive oil, fat, carbohydrate and calorie in the food.
4 Capsules each time, 3 times a day, before meal.
FANCL 热控 RM 65
富含多种成份,推荐给喜欢吃甜食及油炸食物的人,或是喜欢吃饭类,面包等淀粉类食物的人.让您轻松享受美食,健康无负担 .主要成分 :武靴叶、桑叶、甲壳质(来自于蟹壳)、丁香、白芸豆精华食用方法 :以1次摄取4颗、1天摄取3次为标准(建议餐前实用)

FANCL White Advance (Supplements) RM 78
Hydroxytyrosol L-Cystine
6 Capsules each day(2 after every meal)

FANCL 再生亮白营养素RM 78
全身肤色均匀亮白 橄榄叶精华内含的 Hydroxytyrosol , 配合L-胱氨酸,能有效达致亮白无斑肌肤。 促进肌肤新陈代谢,加快淡斑。 且具绝佳的抗氧化功效,能去除自由基,有效减少黑色素形成。
成分:橄榄叶精华 - Hydroxytyrosol、L-胱氨酸(L-Cystine)
容量: (253mg x 约180粒) ━ 约30日分量
建议进食分量: 每日6粒,1 日3次,每次两粒,饭后服
Calorie 卡路里 (6粒中): 4.8kcal

FANCL Mild Cleasing Oil RM 72

FANCL 纳米卸妆液 RM 72
120ml, keep 1 year from manufactured date, 2 months after opened.

FANCL Facial Wash Powder RM 58
FANCL Facial Wash Powder Light RM 58
FANCL魔法泡泡潔顏粉-淨透型 RM 58
FANCL魔法泡泡潔顏粉-水嫩型 RM 58
50g, keep 1 year from manufactured date, 2 months after opened.

FANCL Lotion (toner) RM 60
FANCL Lotion Light (toner) RM 60
FANCL 水嫩美肌滋潤化妝水 RM 60
FANCL 清爽美肌滋潤化妝水 RM 60
30ml, keep 1 year from manufactured date, 2 months after opened.

FANCL Milky Lotion (moisturizer) RM 60
FANCL Milky Lotion Light (moisturizer) RM 60

FANCL 水嫩美肌滋潤乳液 RM 60
FANCL 清爽美肌滋潤乳液 RM 60
30ml, keep 1 year from manufactured date, 2 months after opened.

FANCL Basic Skincare Set RM 170
1. FANCL Facial Wash Powder Light 50g
2. FANCL Lotion (toner) 30ml
3. FANCL Milky Lotion (moisturizer) 30ml

FANCL Basic Skincare Set RM 170
1. FANCL Facial Wash Powder 50g
2. FANCL Lotion Light (toner) 30ml
3. FANCL Milky Lotion Light (moisturizer) 30ml

FANCL 無添加基礎保養组 RM 170
1 魔法泡泡潔顏粉 - 水嫩型 50g
2 水嫩美肌滋潤化妝水 30ml
3 水嫩美肌滋潤乳液 30ml
FANCL 無添加基礎保養组 RM 170
1 魔法泡泡潔顏粉 - 淨透型 50g
2 清爽美肌滋潤化妝水 30ml
3 清爽美肌滋潤乳液 30ml


Wakilala Collections

Wakilala Armpit Clear Essence RM 40
Wakilala Armpit Clear Essence could brighten your armpit, tighten pore and prevent hair to grow faster. Apply some under your armpit and pat till absorb.

Wakilala新一代腋下專用白皙美容液 RM 40

Wakilala Armpit Wash RM 36
Wakilala armpit wash brightening your armpit dull area.

Wakilala 美腋潔膚乳 RM 36

Wakilala Armpit Whitening Essence RM 40
Wakilala 美腋嫩白精華液 RM 40

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1. Serious buyer only, always not too late to notify if you are not interested in any item.

2. Price is fixed.

3. All items are brand new. Goods sold are not able to refund or exchange.

4. Items are sold on a first come first serve basis.

5. Deposit is at least 50% to reserve item.

6. Buyers are to bear all shipment costs.

7. We will not responsible for any lost/damage shipment as we always ensure that shipment are sent in good condition.


Name: Lindsay
Buzz me: +6016-2252336
Location: Subang, Malaysia


Maybank2u or cash

International Buyer:
We accept Paypal only


RM 6 West Malaysia.
RM 9 East Malaysia.

Standard Register to Oversea:
RM 10-15 depending on weight.

COD: Subang Jaya only.


Some items are only open for Pre-Order. Deposit of 50% of total purchase is required in order to confirm order. Stock will be dispatch in 2 weeks normally, or further notice will be given out.

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